Friday, January 15, 2010

The New Year!

Where does the time go?

Interestingly, when we were stationed in Japan and I was teaching English, one of the favorite idioms was: "Time flies when you're having fun!" Or shortened to: "Time flies!"

It rarely happens as we're going through the time, but when we look back on it, we may say something like: I can't believe your daughter is old enough to be in junior high school already! How time flies! Or as is the case for me today, "I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! My, how time flies!"

Today, I will appeal to Walt Whitman ~

"You must not know too much, or be too precise or scientific about birds and trees and flowers and water-craft; a certain free margin, and even
vagueness - perhaps ignorance, credulity - helps your enjoyment of these things."

Perhaps Mr. Whitman has a point. If we over analyze it - whatever "it" may be - this can, never better said than in the immortal words of Henry David Thoreau, "suck the marrow out of life" - and, sadly . . . Time will fly by!

Sometimes we may think that we will start to enjoy our lives, or be happy, "when" . . . but that's not necessarily true! We must choose to enjoy life right now; each and every day!

The New Year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are a gift from God; they carry His blessing.
Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us and all that was not be left behind.
(((hugs))) and blessings,