Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here We Go . . .

Hello Parents,

Well, by now some of your sons and daughters are already in Afghanistan and many will be headed over there in a very short while!
It's strange how we've been counting the months - first 6 months, then three, then one - and now it's a matter of just weeks before they depart! But we try to keep things upbeat, doing our best not to overburden them with trivial unnecessary matters. It's not easy, I know! All those memories come drifting back of Christmas presents being torn open or methodically unwrapped, baseball games and waiting in long lines for the opening of that long awaited movie! That same little boy who at the age 9 got hit in the nose with a stray pitch at his little league game and then rushed off to the hospital in his mother's arms with a broken nose, is far from his mother's arms in a war zone! All the good growing-up times!
Yet . . . they are all grown up now! Where did that time go, anyway?

I know it's hard to see them leave and go away to such a dangerous place. Ironically, our son spent 15 months in the exact same place just a little over a year ago with the 82nd Airborne and now it's my husband's turn. But it's the reason why I feel so strongly about writing to parents. I was just where you are not that long ago and I know exactly how you feel. You will get through this! Sometimes it feels like the parents are forgotten in the hustle and bustle of everything, however, and I want you to know that's just not true! We have a lot of good things planned to get information out to you and this little blog is just one of them.

Please keep coming back to see the updated page and read the latest posts.

I'll look forward to hearing from you.




  1. Thank you so much for putting this together for us Tamera. You are right that as a parent I do feel forgotten sometimes. I raised my boy to be strong and idependent but perhaps I did too good a job! I wonder, does he need me at all anymore? ha ha. Prayers for your husband and God Bless you and both your men.

  2. Thank you for keeping us in the loop Tamera. God Bless you and both your men!

  3. It's my pleasure! I know what you mean about rasing these boys to be so good at being on their own that it surprises us sometimes! I love it when they still need my advice from time to time! Ha!
    Thank you for your prayers.


